Saturday, 31 October 2009

54 Days to Christmas!

Well it's Halloween tonight of course, so a little bit away from the 50 Best Christmas songs, with a snippet from a Christmas movie with a ghoulist twist...


Friday, 30 October 2009

56...tick tock...55 days to Christmas!

Time got the better of me yesterday, and so we jump another two days closer to Christmas, and with Halloween taking place tomorrow, after that - it's all systems go for the Christmas countdown!

So, what tune is there for today, well I decided on a recent tune, it's not a classic by any stretch, but it's a good fun tune.

The Darkness may not sound like a fun group name, but it is, that's how their songs sound, and this one called "Christmas Time" made number 2 back in 2003, but was not part of any album released.


Wednesday, 28 October 2009

57 Days to Christmas!

Well back to Christmas songs with videos on them now, following the last couple which for one reason or another didn’t have any vid to go with the song.

Anyway, today’s effort is from a British singer, could he really be from any other country with a county in his surname?

The song itself is a bit of a slowie, and was released in the year 1982, and reached number 2 in the charts, so for day 57 this is A Winter’s Tale…


Tuesday, 27 October 2009

58 Days to Christmas!

On the way towards breaking into the 50 days bracket, and today we have a song that doesn't have a video, but it's a cracker!

You remember South Park?


Then you must remember Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo!

It first appeared on South Park in December 1997...Hi-de-ho!

Altogether now, "Mr Hankey...The Christmas Poo, small & brown, he comes from you..."


Monday, 26 October 2009

62, 61, 60....nope, it's now 59 days to Christmas!

Yes, due to limited time on the internet all weekend, the countdown has taken a bigger tumble than normal, with the days now down to a figure of 59!

Halloween is fast approaching, and I'm sure the countdown will take on a greater significance after that is out of the way, but for now, I'm enjoying putting the Christmas songs up on each post!

Today's tune, is actually an original of one of the songs I've already featured in the countdown, it was covered by Mel & Kim, not the female act, but Mel Smith the comedian, and Kim Wilde the singer.

The song is of course, Rockin Around the Christmas Tree, originally sung by Brenda Lee, and here is a special version featuring Brenda singing it in 1994, the original being recorded some 36 years earlier in 1958.


Thursday, 22 October 2009

63 Days to Christmas!

Today's blast from the past comes from the year 1964, and an Elvis classic for Christmas.

The song was originally penned in 1950 by Ernest Tubb, but recorded by Elvis himself for his 1957 Christmas album, but didn't actually release it as a single until 1964.

Not being a massive Elvis fan, I don't know too much about this one, but I believe the album went multi platinum, so here's the song for today!


Wednesday, 21 October 2009

64 Days to Christmas!

Today’s Christmas tune is a bit of a weird one, it’s actually a Christmas carol sung in Latin, from the 16th Century that Electric folk group Steeleye Span got hold of, and sang a capella version of it, and it became a Christmas hit ion the charts, reaching Number 14, in 1973.

There is no video, but I felt it should be included in the countdown, as it is recognizable to all I’m sure.

Another interesting fact is that it’s one of only 3 songs to reach the top 50 in the British charts, that have been sung in latin.

Here it is then:


Tuesday, 20 October 2009

65 Days to Christmas!

After the old Band Aid 2 song yesterday, which had a mutiple choice of famous singers taking part, with various instruments making the sound of the sound pretty good, today I'm featuring a group that didn't use any instruments, well they did, themselves.

In an original attempt at a Christmas song, The Flying Pickets compiled this song, called "Only You", and ensured most people around at the time would sing a "Ba Da" at some stage!

The song reached Number 1 in the UK in December 1983, and stayed there for five weeks, and was pretty successful around Europe too, their second song only managed Number 7 and that was basically it as far as The Flying Pickets are concerned, but nonetheless, a classic song for Christmas!


Monday, 19 October 2009

66 Days to Christmas!

We're at the start of another week, and continuing the theme of 50 of the best Christmas songs, here's today's offering, which is actually the second version of an all time classic.

When Band Aid was released in 1984 little did they know the impact it would have on future Christmas times, the song is just brilliant, as for this one, which was re-released in 1989, and did make number one, it isn't quite as good as the original, but it'll do!

So, here goes...


Sunday, 18 October 2009

67 Days to Christmas!

It's now 9 and a half weeks to Christmas, and the dark nights are closing in now, and will do so even more in the UK next weekend onwards as the clocks go back one hour.

So, to todays choice for the Christmas tune, well today, I'm picking out a Beach Boys classic, called "Little Saint Nick" - it's always the one that's regularly found on the compilation albums, and the song itself reached number 3 in the charts in December 1963.

Now, as there aren't many videos of this song, I've gone for one off You Tube with one of those Christmas lights all of the house videos:


Saturday, 17 October 2009

68 Days to Christmas!

Another day to chalk off now, and let's get the depressing tune out of the way, it's "Lonely this Christmas" by Mud.

It really makes me feel depressed this son, but it's in the best 50 nonetheless, so let's get it out of the way early doors!


Friday, 16 October 2009

69 Days to Christmas!

I've just got up and several Christmas tunes were going through my head whilst thinking of updating this blog, as I was having a shave - quite a funny thing really, as anyone who may have heard me singing to myself probably woke up believing it was close to Christmas or something, or more likely, that I was auditioning for the next X-Factor competition!

Anyway, as I said, a choice of songs in my head to choose from, but today I'm going for the Mel Smith & Griff Rhys Jones, both British comedians, who did a send up of Brenda Lee's classic, "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree", with English singer Kim Wilde.

These two comedians had a unique sense of humour, and also had a long running series on the BBC, called "Alas Smith & Jones".

So, here we go with today's Christmas hit:


Thursday, 15 October 2009

70 Days to Christmas!

So yesterday's tune was Paul McCartney & The Frog Chorus, with We All Stand Together, and I remember when that first came out, and the video was premiered on Top of the Pops, it was something special - at the time - and many will think it still is.

Some great animation at the time, and easy to sing lyrics for all ages, including mimmicking frogs going "Bom, Bom Bom" and "Aye-e-Yah", it was a bit of a classic at the time, and hopefully we'll hear it for a few years yet!

Today's tune is that one that always gets you in the mood on Christmas Eve, and really brings it home that Christmas Day is just a few hours away.

Picture the scene,

You've just had your last morning in work on Christmas Eve, everyone has been in a jolly mood all morning, swapping stories about how their Christmas Day has gone in the past, and talking about presents that they've bought for their partners.

Then, it's time to log out, or clock off, whichever is most relevant to you, then head to the car park, jump in your car, demist the window that's got all steamed up just sitting idle whilst you've been working hard.

The mist clears, you switch on the car radio, begin to move away, and then on to the main road home, when this beauty comes on:

Such a great tune for Christmas Eve!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

The Best 50 Christmas Songs!

Well today, at 71 days to Christmas, there is a change in the countdown, for the next 50 days, I'll be posting along with a Christmas song of the day, as well as opening up the voting for your favourite Christmas movie, of which a scene from the top 10 Christmas movies as voted by you, will then be played in the lead up to Christmas!

So, here today, we start the countdown, in no particular order, of the best 50 Christmas tunes, time to get singing, time to start tapping the fingers, feet, and anything else you can tap!

Feel free to offer your suggestions and we'll see what song pops up the next day in what is a musical version of the advent calendar!

Anyway, time for the first one, and one of the best videos for a Christmas song:

Paul McCartney & The Frog Chorus - We All stand Together


Tuesday, 13 October 2009

72 Days to Christmas!

What's the one thing you're guaranteed to pull this Christmas?


It is of course the Christmas Cracker!!!

Yes, that age old ritual that remains on people's dinner tables across the globe on Christmas Day is the old Christmas Cracker, made out of cardboard, and something that contains a small gift, and the most ridiculous looking of hats, but then I guess it's a fun time of the year, so we all end up being as cringeworthy as each other and sit round the table wearing them!

Inside there is normally something like a fake clip on moustache, or a plastic ring, many joke quotes such as "that's the only ring you're getting off me this christmas" tend to be spouted out at this point, which is quickly followed by the poorest joke you've heard in ages, but you can be assured that at least one person will for some reason find it funny.

But what's with the trivia, who is really interested in trvia quotes when they have just pulled a christmas cracker, it's a bit of a conversation killer if we're being honest here.

If you're posh, then you could end up with a pack of cards, or a tool set in your cracker, but then you're probably paying through the nose for some nicely decorated cardboard!!

Anyway, there we go, the Christmas Cracker - go on have a pull this Christmas =)

Monday, 12 October 2009

75, 74, 73 days....The pendulum is swinging!

So, three more days pass, and the countdown to Christmas is still in full swing!

Now, with 73 days remaining until the great day, just what is the subject today?

Well, the subject for today is...Christmas Pudding!

It's a bit of a strange one Christmas Pudding isn't it?

It's not the most desirable looking pudding in the world ever is it? I think it's one of those items you'll either love or hate, or maybe you just put up with it for one day in the year.

For me, that's pretty much it, I don't think I'd have one at any other stage of the year, if it wasn't called Christmas Pudding, but come those Christmas meals that you go out for with work, that's always my choice of pudding, probably as they never have a lovely "Christmas Log" on the menu - now we'd be talking!

For me though, if it's Christmas Pudding, it's got to be covered in Custard, piping hot custard, mmmmm, I'm giving myself an appetite just writing this, although I don't think I could stomach Christmas pudding at 6.15am!!!

Then there is the way that people throw a bit of brandy over the pudding, and set it alight, where the hell did that come from? Tell you what lets set fire to the pudding - what a great idea!!!

Anyway, as far as Christmas Pudding goes, it's certainly one of those "marmite" type products!

Friday, 9 October 2009

76 Days to Christmas!

Today, Mulled Wine.

Does anyone drink the stuff?

When do you drink it?

I've often seen Mulled Wine on the shelves of the supermarkets but constanlt ignored it, preferring the usual bottles of red, rose, and white wine to buy instead, but does anyone ever get the stuff, and more so do they enjoy it?

I believe that it's supposed to be wine with spices put in it, doesn't sound that appealing to me, but maybe it is to you...

Anyway, just a short one today as I'm still feeling under the weather =(

Thursday, 8 October 2009

77 Days to Christmas!

So, another day chalked off the list, and because I'm suffering from the world's greatest illness today, known as Man Flu, I thought I'd blog about the Flu Jab.

Many people tend to have the flu jab weeks before Christmas, so that they don't suffer the flu over Christmas, but what I cannot understand is why the jab has to give you a bug in the first place - surely the idea is to stop you getting it, not help you to get the flu immediately, just so you avoid it over the festive period?

I have to admit I've never had the jab, but have always stocked up with the pills & stuff for Christmas but I do seem to get a bit of a bug in January, maybe that's because the copious amounts of alcohol running through my veins have just about had enough after Christmas, and are trying to tell me to lay off for a few months!!

So, that's the topic for today, the flu jab - do you have one?

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

78 Days to Christmas!

Okay, after the real or fake debate yesterday, I'm sticking to the great debate side of things, and keeping on the theme of Christmas trees, but today asking if you are a "tinsel" or "beads" person?

By that I mean, do you decorate your tree with tinsel, or beads, or both?

I have to say I prefer tinsel, I think it's just as we always used to have that on the family tree rather than beads, in fact I didn't know so many people actually had beads on their trees until my teens!!!

Tinsel is great though, I used to wrap it around things like my car aerial, on the dashboard, and other areas inside the car to make it look really christmassy.

Beads though, well you could do plenty with those I guess, but for me it's tinsel!

So are you tinsel or beads?

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Real or Fake? The Great Christmas Tree Debate!

One of the biggest items around Christmas, is of course the Christmas tree, but which type do you buy in?

Real tree or Fake tree?

Personally speaking I've had both in my lifetime, however, only had a real Christmas tree just the once, as it was a pain in the arse, leaving pines everywhere, you know the type, the ones you end up standing on, and you end up in excruciating pain from!

The real tree was also a pain in the backside as far as getting rid of it was, it was when I lived at my mum's and she had no patio door at this stage, so we had to pass it through the middle window which in a set of three, wasn't exactly huge, and you can imagine the state of the place with all the pines everywhere all over the floor, wall, and windown legde, oh and not forgetting the garden outside, it suddenly looked like it had snowed green!!

The tree we had, you couldn't even hang a decoration without a sound of falling pines through the tree, it was a game of reverse Kerplunk trying to put the decs on without any pines coming off!!!

So, what about fake trees, well for 35 years of my life, we've had a fake tree, it's great, only costs about a tenner, folds in and out of a box, and away to the loft it goes to be stored for 12 months without the minimum of fuss, but then you start to think are you missing out with just having a "fake" tree, and not the real thing.

The plus point is of course, that when it topples over on to you just when you are underneath trying to switch the socket on for the lights, the thing falls down on you, but if you had a real one, it would be the equivalent of visiting a psychotic Acupuncturist (is that what they are called?) and having 5000 pines stabbed in your head, back, and probably arse - not that I'm saying I tend to do the tree decorating in the buff of course, erm, you know what I mean!!

So, the argument does tend to side on the "fake" side, but what do you prefer?

Monday, 5 October 2009

80 days to Christmas!

Christmas Day is one of the most special days of the year, if not the most special, but as a kid, I used to be taken to Church on Christmas Morning, to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Now, despite attending church for the first 16 years of my life, I'm not the most religious of people whatsoever, but I must admit, I did have a sense of enjoyment of going there on Christmas Morning, and perhaps as I entered my late teens the novelty had worn off, or I just wanted to enjoy Christmas at home, rather than having to get ready, go out, and spend a couple of hours away from the family.

It probably had a lot to do with the fact that I would do a lot of mileage on Christmas Day, I used to start off by visiting my partner first, before heading on to my brother's house for Christmas Dinner, before then going on to my father's house about 20 miles up the road, before then heading on to see my mum who always spent Christmas Day with my step dad at his brother's house, and that was another 50 miles on from my own Dad's house!

Then I would come back and be back with my partner again, before the following day, Boxing Day, I used to set off for South Wales, about a 3 hour one way journey, and see my sister, before finally coming home a couple of days later!

I know I've drifted off the point here, and my original question is do many people still head for Church on Christmas Morning?

Sunday, 4 October 2009

82 & now 81 days to Christmas!

Yes the days are now flying down, and we are on the verge of heading into the 70's, but as we knock off two days in one fell swoop, what is the subject today?


Yes, Holly. The Christmassy plant that makes me think what is so special about the plant, whenever you're unfortunate to come into contact with it, it normally hurts with its pointed and jagged edges, but it finds its way onto Christmas cards, and the like, but surely this cannot be classed as a special Christmas item?

Okay, maybe some will disagree, maybe it's because it's so wintry it deserves to be included in the Christmas items list I don't know.

One thing's for sure, I won't be picking any of those up when they fall out of the hedge, blimey, even picking the false plastic ones out of the loft for putting decorations is bad enough!!!

Friday, 2 October 2009 hold on, 83 days to Christmas!!!

Thanks to a very busy day at work yesterday, I didn't get a chance to do the usual lunchtime post, so time to catch up today, and I'll stick with the work theme.

Are we all lucky enough to finish early on Christmas Eve at work, or are you one of the many unlucky folk working in retail, and forced to stay open for those last minute present buyers on the day before Christmas?

We don't find out until the day of Christmas Eve just what time we will finish, the rumour is always that we'll be leaving work at 1pm, leaving you free to go and do whatever you want, but there are the odd few who have to stay until 5pm, and I do feel sorry for them, as it's just another full working day for them.

I have to say that I do love the atmopshere in work on Christmas Eve though, it's pretty unique as the excitement of the big day itself is filtering through to many, and obviously the workday is much a case of "slowdown" as people look forward to kids faces smiling, and everything that Christmas Day brings, some mind may be still fearful of having to cook for a full house!

Hopefully we'll all get to finish early this year, and then those Christmas tunes can really get going, I know when I'm leaving work on Christmas Eve, I always have the CD on in the car with Chris Rea's 'Driving home for Christmas' playing, I like a good sing along to that tune.

Anyway, 83 days hey? It's getting lower!!!!

I can hear the sleigh bells in the distance!