So, we drift in to the 20's on the Countdown, and an absolute belter of a tune for today's song, with just a handful remaining on the countdown of 50 best Christmas tunes.
1984 was a massive year, many great new bands found their way into the charts, and many came together to release the charity record that has done so much for the world, and even been recorded two more times no less.
Live Aid took place in July 1984, and was followed up witha song called "Do They Know it's Christmas" by Band Aid, and was of course produced by Midge Ure & former Boomtown Rat, Bob Geldof.
Together they got a brilliant array of stars to feature on this song, and it became the biggest selling chart single at the time, selling one million copies in the first week alone, and remained there for five weeks.
Here it is...
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